More than 80 Years of Experience

Serving Central and Eastern Kentucky




It used to be that most people who married were very young and had not yet acquired much property. Today, many people acquire significant assets before they marry, and they want to protect those assets from future claims. They also might want to control who receives their assets. Without a prenuptial agreement, Kentucky law dictates how property is distributed.

A prenuptial agreement allows a couple to decide before they marry how they would divide their assets if they divorce. It also allows them to set out how they would distribute their property if either died.

There are many specific laws about prenuptial agreements. If you believe that you might benefit from a prenuptial agreement, we encourage you to discuss your plans with us as early in the process as possible. If someone is asking you to sign a prenuptial agreement, we strongly encourage you to talk with us first to learn more about your rights.

In a postnuptial agreement, the couple decides after they have been married how they would divide their assets in the event of a divorce or how their property would be distributed if either died.

The advice of an experienced attorney can make a critical difference as you address the legal and emotional issues that pre and postnuptial agreements present.

We help clients everyday to overcome life's most difficult experiences.

Reach out today and call us at (859) 219-1280 to ask for our help.

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