With the warm weather coming and COVID restrictions slllloooowly lifting, parents are starting to think about travel with their children again. Within the United States and its territories, you do not need to worry about passports. But, what if you are thinking about taking minors on a vacation outside the country? Do they have passports? […]
Effective July 1, 2018, Kentucky’s laws on custody and timesharing will change dramatically. From now on, at the start of any custody or divorce case, there will be a presumption that the parents should be awarded joint legal custody and equal timesharing in all cases. (Please see other articles on this website for explanations of […]
Quietly in early April, with little fanfare, the Kentucky legislature passes a new House Bill (HB) 492, relating to temporary custody orders. New laws in Kentucky generally take effect on July 1st each year. The link http://www.lrc.ky.gov/record/17RS/HB492.htm can take you to the actual statutory language. When parties who have children separate, and before they reach […]
24 Jan '17
One of the trends in family law is that both parents often share joint legal child custody. This means that both parents make major decisions about how to raise their children together, as they likely did during the marriage. The divorce does not change that dynamic. Neither parent is divorcing the children. This did not […]
26 Apr '16
One of the main concerns parents have when divorcing or breaking up (if an unmarried couple) is what will happen to their children. Parents will want to discuss their options with an experienced family law attorney. The following are basic terms to be aware of. Child Custody. Child custody is about decision-making. We are talking […]