A Living Will, also sometimes called an Advanced Health Care Directive, is a document that allows you to name the individual you want to make health care decisions for you when you have become permanently incapacitated. A Living Will also enables you to express your wishes to your doctor regarding life-prolonging treatment and artificially provided nutrition. We recommend a Living Will as an important piece in your estate planning, and we welcome your call.

A Living Will specifies in a legal document what actions should be taken for your health in case you are unable to make decisions due to an illness or disability. A Living Will also provides direction for the withdrawal of health care if necessary.

A Living Will provides specific directions for your health treatment if you are physically or mentally unable to make a decision on your own. In a Living Will, you can specify who you want to make health care decisions for you, the directions for life-prolonging treatment, the directions for use of artificial food and water, and the directions for use of your body for organ donation or medical research. Some Living Wills can provide more specific medical treatment information, such as the use of pain medications, antibiotics, or resuscitation equipment for treatment.

A Living Will is important because it ensures that you will receive the health care that you would choose for yourself. Essentially, you can create a set of instructions for the health care that you want to receive. A Living Will prevents your family or the medical staff from choosing medical procedures that you would not want done.
After the Living Will is created, you should give a copy to your doctor to include in your medical records and keep a copy for your own records.

In Kentucky, a specific format for Living Wills helps medical professionals recognize their legality. The attorneys at the Clark Law Office can assist you with creating your Living Will. Additionally, our team can work with you to make any changes to your Living Will as necessary. In the event that you become temporarily or permanently incapacitated, our lawyers can enforce your Living Will to ensure that you receive the medical treatment that you desire. We provide Living Will assistance for residents in Lexington, Kentucky and the surrounding areas. Contact us today to learn how we can help you prepare your Living Will.