Unlike other states, Kentucky has no presumption of a child going to either parent in the event of a divorce. Rather, Kentucky uses a “best interest of the child” standard when determining legal custody of children. The presumption in Kentucky courts is that parents who are separated will exercise joint legal and physical custody of […]
Parental alienation is a strategy whereby one parent intentionally expresses to the child unjustified negativity regarding the other parent in order to damage the child’s relationship with the other parent. This scenario can commonly occur following a divorce. Parental alienation is a form of abuse and is not in the best interest of the child. […]
Effective July 1, 2018, Kentucky’s laws on custody and timesharing will change dramatically. From now on, at the start of any custody or divorce case, there will be a presumption that the parents should be awarded joint legal custody and equal timesharing in all cases. (Please see other articles on this website for explanations of […]
02 Mar '17
When couples with children separate, whether they have been married or not, one of most important challenges they need to address is the schedule of how the children go back and forth between the two houses. Until recently, the courts normally called that schedule “visitation”. Some counties in Kentucky still refer to it that way. […]
24 Jan '17
One of the trends in family law is that both parents often share joint legal child custody. This means that both parents make major decisions about how to raise their children together, as they likely did during the marriage. The divorce does not change that dynamic. Neither parent is divorcing the children. This did not […]
When a couple divorces, on the list of issues to address is whether the Wife will change her last name back to her maiden name or her former name, if she even changed it in the first place. Changing a name is a very personal decision. Some people are eager to change their name, some […]
Etiam id neque ac tortor malesuada vestibulum. Proin a tellus quam, eu euismod purus. Vestibulum tincidunt pellentesque aliquet. Vivamus in augue id elit suscipit rhoncus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In a lectus eget eros viverra tempor sit amet et tellus. Mauris leo dolor, congue ut ornare tempus, congue id tellus. Maecenas rutrum elementum velit sed suscipit. Suspendisse neque magna, iaculis quis ornare hendrerit, pretium non lorem. Praesent eget felis leo, et congue neque. Nam commodo consectetur cursus. Aliquam non arcu tellus. Proin leo turpis, convallis eu commodo eget, auctor posuere leo.