16 Apr '21
We help children with personal injuries recover compensation for their injuries, and we also help protect the funds that they recover. We do this by creating a Conservatorship for the injured minor that is overseen by the Court. Specifically, we ask the Court to appoint someone, usually a parent, to serve as the Conservator for […]
With the warm weather coming and COVID restrictions slllloooowly lifting, parents are starting to think about travel with their children again. Within the United States and its territories, you do not need to worry about passports. But, what if you are thinking about taking minors on a vacation outside the country? Do they have passports? […]
02 Mar '17
When couples with children separate, whether they have been married or not, one of most important challenges they need to address is the schedule of how the children go back and forth between the two houses. Until recently, the courts normally called that schedule “visitation”. Some counties in Kentucky still refer to it that way. […]
24 Jan '17
One of the trends in family law is that both parents often share joint legal child custody. This means that both parents make major decisions about how to raise their children together, as they likely did during the marriage. The divorce does not change that dynamic. Neither parent is divorcing the children. This did not […]
16 Dec '16
Around the holidays, parents have to navigate how the children are going to spend time with each of them. From Thanksgiving until New Year’s Day, there are a lot of dates and vacation time to determine. Ideally, the parents will already have a specific written court order in place for the holidays in their agreement […]
When a couple divorces, on the list of issues to address is whether the Wife will change her last name back to her maiden name or her former name, if she even changed it in the first place. Changing a name is a very personal decision. Some people are eager to change their name, some […]
FAULT While Kentucky is a ‘no fault” state, there is one situation in which, despite that fact, the Court can look at fault, not to determine IF an award will be made but as to the amount. The Court can look at the fault of the potential recipient of maintenance. This could include the scenario […]
- Tags:
- ky
- lawyer
- lexington
- maintenance
20 May '16
In recent years, the ways people can share information has grown. It is so easy to send emails, post comments or photos on Facebook or Instagram. Parties must be very careful about what they say and what they post, especially when there are children involved. When it comes to social media accounts like Facebook, sometimes […]
11 May '16
In general, under Kentucky law, child support is based on the gross incomes of both parents and the guidelines contained on the child support chart. KRS 403.212 Maintenance. If one of the parties is receiving maintenance, that can also affect the amount of child support paid. Prior born children. Support paid for prior born children […]
26 Apr '16
One of the main concerns parents have when divorcing or breaking up (if an unmarried couple) is what will happen to their children. Parents will want to discuss their options with an experienced family law attorney. The following are basic terms to be aware of. Child Custody. Child custody is about decision-making. We are talking […]